intentional coaching
Whether you’re seeking a life coach for personal or professional reasons, we are here for it all! Hiring a life coach is very beneficial for anyone living life (aka everyone!) Some benefits include: increased confidence & self-esteem, better personal relationships, improved communication skills, stronger interpersonal skills, & enhanced work performance!
business coaching
Owners, entrepreneurs, high-level management, middle-tier & entry-level employees, even volunteer positions all benefit from professional coaching.
Each person in your company has talent and value, but sometimes people get lost along the way or lose sight of the company's goals. Or maybe the company lost sight of the valuable employees and their unique talents.
Let us guide you back to alignment by customizing workshops specific to your needs.
group coaching
Group coaching is for two or more participants who come together with a common goal, interest, or circumstance. We are conscious of providing a safe place to share, ask questions, receive & offer insights & feedback.
We guide the topic of discussion, set group rules, & remind participants to be respectful & open to ensure everyone's voice is heard. We believe we all have much to learn from each other.
individual coaching
Individual sessions are great for people who prefer one-on-one conversations with a coach. We will customize your sessions by providing tools to identify the areas you may feel stuck & help you work through obstacles with clarity & focus.
Together, we will set the date & time of your meetings, how you want to meet (phone conversations, video chat, or in person), & the frequency of your coaching sessions.
Effectiveness of Life Coaching overall
→ improve your overall life satisfaction
→ set effective and measurable goals
→ achieve your goals and develop personally
→ find new ways to solve problems
→ take action to move forward with next steps